Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Study Of Demographic Profile Of The Respondents Accounting Essay
In this chapter, consequence is obtained through the informations aggregation method from 300 questionnaires. The informations obtained from questionnaires are analyzed and computed by utilizing the Statistical Package societal Science ( SPSS ) package. Tables and charts will be exhibited to show the consequences in an apprehensible mode. This chapter started off with the descriptive analysis of the respondent demographic profile and cardinal inclinations measuring of concepts. Next, scale measuring is to supply the consequences of dependability trial. This is followed by the illative analysis with the Pearson correlativity coefficient analysis and multiple additive arrested development analysis. Last is to reason this chapter.4.1 Descriptive Analysis4.1.1 Demographic Profile of the RespondentsTable 4.1: Gender of RespondentsGenderFrequency Percentage Valid Percentage Accumulative Percentage Valid Male 105 51.7 51.7 51.7 Female 98 48.3 48.3 100.0 Entire 203 100.0 100.0 Beginning: Developed for the research In the Table 4.1 above, it showed the frequence and per centum of gender of 203 respondents. There were a sum of 105 male respondents ( 51.7 % ) and a sum of 98 female respondents ( 48.3 % ) . Table 4.2: The Age Group of RespondentsAgeFrequency Percentage Valid Percentage Accumulative Percentage Valid Under 21 old ages 5 2.5 2.5 2.5 21-30 old ages 67 33.0 33.0 35.5 31-40 old ages 54 26.6 26.6 62.1 41-50 old ages 31 15.3 15.3 77.3 51 old ages & A ; above 46 22.7 22.7 100.0 Entire 203 100.0 100.0 Beginning: Developed for the research Table 4.2 presented the frequence and per centum of the age group of respondents. 5 respondents ( 2.5 % ) were under 21 old ages old, 67 respondents ( 33.0 % ) were 21 to 30 old ages old, 54 respondents ( 26.6 % ) were 31 to 40 old ages old, 31 respondents ( 15.3 % ) were 41 to 50 old ages old and 46 respondents ( 22.7 % ) were 51 old ages old and above. Table 4.3: The Marital Status of RespondentsMarital StatusFrequency Percentage Valid Percentage Accumulative Percentage Valid Single 73 36.0 36.0 36.0 Married 130 64.0 64.0 100.0 Entire 203 100.0 100.0 Beginning: Developed for the research The Table 4.3 indicated the frequence and per centum of the matrimonial position of respondents. The bulk of the respondents were married which represented 64.0 % that is about 130 people out of 203 respondents. Besides that, 73 respondents ( 36.0 % ) were still individual. Table 4.4: The Education Level of RespondentsEducation DegreeFrequency Percentage Valid Percentage Accumulative Percentage Valid Primary instruction 8 3.9 3.9 3.9 Secondary instruction 77 37.9 37.9 41.9 Certificate / Diploma 80 39.4 39.4 81.3 Bachelor ââ¬Ës grade 33 16.3 16.3 97.5 Master ââ¬Ës grade 5 2.5 2.5 100.0 Entire 203 100.0 100.0 Beginning: Developed for the research From the Table 4.4, it showed the frequence and per centum of the instruction degree of respondents. From the information above, bulk of 80 respondents held a certification or sheepskin ( 39.4 % ) . The 2nd and 3rd largest groups were 77 respondents who had completed the secondary instruction ( 37.9 % ) and 33 respondents who held a unmarried man grade ( 16.3 % ) . Last, the respondents who had completed the primary instruction and which is a maestro grade holders were 8 people ( 3.9 % ) and 5 people ( 2.5 % ) severally. Table 4.5: The Working Period of RespondentsWorking Time periodFrequency Percentage Valid Percentage Accumulative Percentage Valid Less than 1 twelvemonth 23 11.3 11.3 11.3 1-5 old ages 63 31.0 31.0 42.4 6-10 old ages 48 23.6 23.6 66.0 11-15 old ages 25 12.3 12.3 78.3 16-20 old ages 19 9.4 9.4 87.7 Above 20 old ages 25 12.3 12.3 100.0 Entire 203 100.0 100.0 Beginning: Developed for the research The Table 4.5 represented the frequence and per centum of the on the job period of respondents. The respondents were divided into six classs. 23 respondents worked as an insurance agent for less than one twelvemonth ( 11.3 % ) , 63 respondents worked for 1 to 5 old ages ( 31.0 % ) , 48 respondents worked for 6 to 10 old ages ( 23.6 % ) , 25 respondents worked for 11 to 15 old ages ( 12.3 % ) , 19 respondents worked for 16 to 20 old ages ( 9.4 % ) and 25 respondents worked as an insurance agent above 20 old ages ( 12.3 % ) .4.1.2 Cardinal Tendencies Measurement of Constructs4.1.2.1 Commission PayTable 4.6: Cardinal Inclinations Measurement for Commission Pay No. Statement Mean Standard Deviation CP1 I think the committee wage is a really of import incentive for me. 4.3448 0.75078 CP2 I am motivated by committee wage to seek my best attempts in work. 4.2562 0.73350 CP3 My occupation public presentation determine the extra committee wage when achieve higher mark. 4.2808 0.81141 CP4 I will retain the occupation because I am satisfied with the committee wage. 4.0985 0.85025 CP5 I work hard is to acquire a better committee wage in this occupation. 4.3005 0.78561 Beginning: Developed for the research Table 4.6 illustrated the cardinal inclinations measurings of committee wage. Mentioning to the tabular array above, most respondents agreed to the CP1 with average value of 4.3448. The 2nd highest was CP5 with average value of 4.3005. The 3rd and 4th highest were CP3 and CP2 which had the average value of 4.2808 and 4.2562 severally. The lowest average value was CP4 which was 4.0985. From the tabular array above, CP4 had highest standard divergence value which was 0.85025. The 2nd and 3rd highest standard divergence value was CP3 and CP5 which had 0.81141 and 0.78561 severally. The 4th highest standard divergence was CP1 with the value of 0.75078. The lowest standard divergence value was 0.73350 by CP2. Job SecurityTable 4.7: Cardinal Inclinations Measurement for Job Security No. Statement Mean Standard Deviation JSM1 I think occupation security is another of import incentive for me. 4.1232 0.68188 JSM2 I am motivated by the good occupation security in current occupation. 3.9852 0.74779 JSM3 I feel my current occupation is unafraid, dependable and lasting. 3.9951 0.82951 JSM4 My occupation public presentation is influenced by the occupation security. 4.0000 0.79603 JSM5 I work hard is because I ââ¬Ëm afraid to loss this stable occupation. 3.7143 1.00845 Beginning: Developed for the research The Table 4.7 illustrated the cardinal inclinations measurings of occupation security. The consequence from the tabular array above, JSM1 had the highest average value of 4.1232. The 2nd highest average value was JSM4 which was 4.000. The 3rd highest was JSM3 with the average value of 3.9951 which was followed by JSM2 which had a average value of 3.9852. The JSM5 had the lowest average value of 3.7143. Harmonizing to the Table 4.7, the JSM5 had the highest standard divergence value of 1.00845. The 2nd highest standard divergence value was JSM3 which was 0.82951. The 3rd highest was JSM4 with the standard divergence value of 0.79603 which was followed by JSM2 which had a standard divergence value of 0.74779. The lowest standard divergence value was JSM1 which was merely 0.68188. Opportunities for Advancement and DevelopmentTable 4.8: Cardinal Inclinations Measurement for Opportunities for Advancement and Development No. Statement Mean Standard Deviation AD1 I think the chances for promotion and development is another of import incentive for me. 4.1034 0.79238 AD2 I am motivated by chances for promotion and development in current occupation. 4.0443 0.75321 AD3 I have more chances for promotion and development in current occupation if I retain the occupation for longer period of clip. 4.0936 0.78734 AD4 I have more chances to direct for preparation, learn accomplishment and developing myself in current occupation. 4.1084 0.81330 AD5 I work hard is to acquire more chances for promotion and development in this occupation. 4.1675 0.74563 Beginning: Developed for the research Table 4.8 illustrated the cardinal inclinations measurings of chances for promotion and development. In the term of average value, AD5 had the highest mean of 4.1675. Second, it is followed by AD4 of 4.1084, AD1 of 4.1034 and AD3 of 4.0936. The AD2 had the lowest average value of 4.0443. From the Table 4.8, the AD4 had the highest standard divergence value of 0.81330. Second, it is followed by AD1 with the standard divergence value of 0.79238, AD3 with the standard divergence value of 0.78734 and AD2 with the standard divergence value of 0.75321. The lowest standard divergence value was 0.74563 by AD5. Work ItselfTable 4.9: Cardinal Inclinations Measurement for Work Itself No. Statement Mean Standard Deviation W1 I have more independent when I ââ¬Ëm working. 4.1724 0.78654 W2 I have more assurance to accomplish the mark of the occupation. 4.2217 0.75461 W3 I am willing to work hard with current occupation. 4.2069 0.72886 W4 I am non willing to alter another occupation even if I get other occupation in elsewhere. 3.8227 0.98909 W5 I think my ability can execute good in current occupation. 4.1527 0.75211 W6 I am proud to work with current occupation. 4.2020 0.77944 Beginning: Developed for the research The Table 4.9 above, it illustrated the cardinal inclinations measurings of work itself. Based on the tabular array, W2 had the highest average value of 4.2217. The 2nd highest was W3 that had 4.2069 of average value. The 3rd highest was the W6 that had 4.2020 of mean value which was followed by, the W1 and W5 which had the average value of 4.1724 and 4.1527 severally. The W4 had the lowest average value was 3.8227. In the tabular array above, the highest standard divergence value was 0.98909 by the W4. The 2nd highest standard divergence value was W1 which was 0.78654. The 3rd highest standard divergence value was the W6 that had 0.77944 which was followed by, the W2 and W5 which had the standard divergence value of 0.75461 and 0.75211 severally. The lowest standard divergence value was W3 which was 0.72886. Job SatisfactionTable 4.10: Cardinal Inclinations Measurement for Job Satisfaction No. Statement Mean Standard Deviation JS1 In general I am satisfied with my occupation. 4.1330 0.74265 JS2 I am satisfied with the flexibleness of the on the job hours in current occupation. 4.3054 0.68601 JS3 I am satisfied with the committee wage strategy in current occupation. 4.0394 0.78250 JS4 I will retain the occupation because I am satisfied with the occupation security. 4.0148 0.74779 JS5 I am satisfied with the accomplishment in current occupation. 4.0591 0.78125 JS6 I am happy with the manner my co-workers and higher-ups treat me. 4.0936 0.79982 JS7 I am truly enjoyed with my occupation. 4.2266 0.81925 Beginning: Developed for the research Harmonizing to Table 4.10, it illustrated the cardinal inclinations measurings of occupation satisfaction. Based on the tabular array, most respondents agreed to the JS2 with average value of 4.3054. The 2nd highest was JS7 that had 4.2266 of average value. The 3rd and 4th highest average value was JS1 and JS6 which is 4.1330 and 4.0936 severally. The 5th highest was JS5 with the average value of 4.0591 which was followed by JS3 which had a average value of 4.0394. The lowest average value was the JS4 which was merely 4.0148. In the term of standard divergence value, JS7 had the highest standard divergence of 0.81925. Following, it is followed by JS6 of 0.79982, JS3 of 0.78250, JS5 of 0.78125 and JS4 of 0.74779. The two lowest standard divergence values were JS1 of 0.74265 and JS2 of 0.68601.4.2 Scale Measurement4.2.1 Internal Reliability TestTable 4.11: Reliability Statistic Variable Cronbach ââ¬Ës Alpha N of Items CP 0.881 5 JSM 0.805 5 Ad 0.911 5 Tungsten 0.899 6 Joule 0.901 7 Beginning: Developed for the research The dependability trial is test the consistence and truth of the IVs and DV which the credence degree of cronbach ââ¬Ës alpha more than 0.70. Based on the Table 4.11, the highest cronbach ââ¬Ës alpha is chances for promotion and development standing at 0.911. The 2nd highest is occupation satisfaction which the cronbach ââ¬Ës alpha is 0.901 followed by committee wage and work itself which the cronbach ââ¬Ës alpha are 0.899 and 0.881. The lowest cronbach ââ¬Ës alpha is occupation security standing at 0.805. From the consequence, overall the cronbach ââ¬Ës alpha for all variable are more than 0.70. Therefore, the questionnaire in this research is dependability and consistence.4.2.2 Normality TestThe trial of normalcy, histogram with normal curve, P-P secret plan and spread secret plan diagram are being used to demo the normal distribution of informations. Table 4.12: Trials of Normality Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig. Standardized Residual .055 203 .200* .988 203 .091 a. Lilliefors Significance Correction * . This is a lower edge of the true significance. Beginning: Developed for the research This research uses 203 study questionnaires which the sample size is more than 50. Therefore, Kolmogorov-Smirnov ââ¬Ës trial is usage for proving the normalcy as it is used to analyze larger sample size ( n & gt ; 50 ) . Based on the Table 4.12, the important value of Kolmogorov-Smirnov ââ¬Ës trial is equal to 0.200, which is more than 0.05. Thence, as the normalcy premise is achieved, the informations can be assumed to be usually distributed. Besides, based on the Appendix G, the histogram with normal distribution curve of trade name trueness demoing a sensible bell-shaped and therefore the informations can be assumed to be usually distributed. In add-on, from the Appendix F, the normal chance secret plan of trade name prevarications near to the fanciful heterosexual line which is lifting from the lower-left corner to the upper right corner and demo an upward incline of the graph. This can connote that the informations can be assumed to be usually distributed.4.2.3 Multicollinearity TestBased on the Table 4.14, the correlativity coefficient between IVs were 0.581 for CP and JSM, 0.496 for CP and AD, 0.528 for CP and W, 0.604 for JSM and AD, 0.612 for JSM and W, and 0.657 for AD and W. Therefore, these correlativity coefficients are high between IVs but there is no multicollinearity job since they are all less than 0.8 in this research ( Field, 2005 ) . Furthermore, harmonizing to Table 4.13 the tolerance and VIF value for CP ( 0.606 1.650 ) , JSM ( 0.493 2.029 ) , AD ( .497 2.013 ) and W ( .478 2.094 ) are more than 0.1 and less than 10 severally in the multicollinearity statistics. Hence, multicollinearity job do non show in this research ( Hair et al. , 1992 ) . Table 4.13: Multicollinearity Model Collinearity Statisticss Tolerance VIF CP_Average .606 1.650 JSM_Average .493 2.029 AD_Average .497 2.013 W_Average .478 2.094 Beginning: Developed for the research4.3 Inferential Analysis4.3.1 Pearson ââ¬Ës Correlation AnalysisTable 4.14: Pearson ââ¬Ës Correlation Analysis CP JSM Ad Tungsten Joule Commsion Pay ( CP ) 1 Job Security ( JSM ) .581** 1 Opportunities for Advancement and Development ( AD ) .496** .604** 1 Work Itself ( W ) .528** .612** .657** 1 Job Satisfaction ( JS ) .557** .659** .674** .836** 1 ** . Correlation is important at the 0.01 degree ( 2-tailed ) . Beginning: Developed for the research By implementing Pearson Correlation Coefficient, Table 4.14 illustrates the consequences of the correlativity analysis of the four independent variables ( CP, JSM, AD and W ) and one dependant variable ( JS ) . The consequence from Table 4.14 shows that p-value of committee wage is 0.000 which is less than the significance value 0.01 degree ( 2-tailed ) and the R value is 0.557. Therefore, the analysis consequence concludes that committee wage is moderate positive correlated with occupation satisfaction. For occupation security variable, the p-value is 0.000 which is lower than the significance value 0.01 degree ( 2-tailed ) and the R value is 0.659 which indicates there is moderate positive relationship between occupation security and occupation satisfaction. In the Table 4.14, the p-value of chances for promotion and development is 0.000 ( P & lt ; 0.01 ) and the R value is 0.674. Hence, the chance for promotion and development is moderate positive correlated with occupation satisfaction. As shown in the Table 4.14, the p-value of work itself is 0.00 which is lower than the significance value 0.01 degree ( 2-tailed ) and the R value is 0.836. As a consequence, the work itself has high positive relationship with occupation satisfaction.4.3.2 Multiple Regression AnalysisTable 4.15: Multiple Regression Analysis Independent Variables Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t-value Sig. Bacillus Beta Changeless .350 2.069 .040 Commission Pay .069 .074 1.610 .109 Job Security .158 .160 3.154 .002 Opportunities for Advancement and Development .130 .143 2.834 .005 Work Itself .562 .605 11.724 .000 R2 .748 Adjusted R2 .743 F 147.264** Beginning: Developed for the research From table 4.15 above, shows that the correlativity coefficient, R= 0.864, means that there is a positive correlativity between the four independent variables and dependent variable. The value of R Square is 0.748 which indicates that 74.8 % of the discrepancy in the dependant variable ( occupation satisfaction ) is explained by the 4 independent variables ( committee wage, occupation security, chances for promotion and development, and work itself ) . However, it is still leaves 25.2 % of occupation satisfaction is explained by other factors in this survey. Furthermore, harmonizing to table above, p-value ( Sig. 0.000 ) is less than alpha value 0.05, therefore, the F- statistic which equals to 147.204 is important. That mean this theoretical account is a good form for the relation between the residuary and forecasters. Therefore, the independent variables ( committee wage, occupation security, chances for promotion and development, and work itself ) are significantly explicating the discrepancy in the occupation satisfaction among insurance agents. Since the p-value is less than 0.05 and is in the cull part which H0 is rejected. Harmonizing to Table 4.15, occupation security ( p=0.002 ) , chances for promotion and development ( p= 0.005 ) , work itself ( p & lt ; 0.001 ) are important to foretell the dependant variable ( occupation satisfaction ) in this survey because their p-values ( Sig. ) are less than alpha value 0.05. From the multiple arrested development analysis, occupation security, chances for promotion and development and work itself are the of import motive factors that affect the occupation satisfaction among insurance agents in Malaysia. Among these IVs, work itself is the strongest determiner. However, the independent variable ( committee wage ) is non significantly foretelling the dependant variable ( occupation satisfaction ) . This is because committee wage ( p=0.109 ) is more than the alpha value 0.05. Therefore, a multiple additive arrested development is formed by utilizing the information from the column headed ââ¬Å" B â⬠shown in the tabular array 4.15 above. The arrested development equation is as below: Job satisfaction = 0.350 + 0.069 committee wage + 0.158 occupation security + 0.130 chances for promotion and development + 0.562 work itself4.4 DecisionThree independent variables ( occupation security, chances for promotion and development and work itself ) for this research are found to hold important relationship with the independent variable ( occupation satisfaction ) . However, the independent variable ( committee wage ) is non important relationship with the dependant variable ( occupation satisfaction ) . Consequences of the analysis and back uping grounds for the consequences are being discussed in the undermentioned chapter.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Seamus Heaney
Write a close analysis of ââ¬ËDeath of a Naturalistââ¬â¢ explaining how the poet uses natural imagery and the structure of the poem to convey the themes of the loss of childhood innocence and the formulation of adult identities. How typical is it of the collection ââ¬ËDeath of a Naturalistââ¬â¢ in terms of the representation of these themes? Seamus Heaney was born in Northern Ireland in 1939. Heaneyââ¬â¢s father was a farmer, and a cattle dealer, he was also very popular within the community. It can be said that Seamus Heaneyââ¬â¢s reference to farming and love of nature can be due to his upbringing, as well as his regular mention of love and pride for Northern Ireland. Seamus Heaneyââ¬â¢s feelings towards Irelandââ¬â¢s cultural controversies are addressed in the majority of his poems, this brings Irish and English literary traditions to attention, and many critics have praised him for the particular attribute. Natural imagery conveys the theme of childhood innocence in ââ¬ËDeath of a Naturalistââ¬â¢ with the use of ââ¬Ëchildishââ¬â¢ language for example ââ¬Ëbubbles gargled delicatelyââ¬â¢, has a paradox effect as the statement is contradictory, it also carries the sense of childhood innocence as playing with bubbles is an activity associated with children. Also, ââ¬Ëgargledââ¬â¢ is onomatopoeic and pleasant sounding. The quote emphasises childrenââ¬â¢s innocence and naive outlook on the world and nature. The use of ââ¬Ëswimming tadpolesââ¬â¢, ââ¬Ëdaddy frogââ¬â¢, ââ¬Ëmammy frog and ââ¬Ëlittle eggsââ¬â¢, all depict an image of childhood innocence, through the basic ââ¬Ëchildlikeââ¬â¢ language used as well as the family links, for example ââ¬Ëmammyââ¬â¢ and ââ¬Ëdaddyââ¬â¢ depict the happy-go-lucky ideology that many young children have, again suggesting that the speaker is a naive, young child. ââ¬ËBut best of all was the warm thick slobberââ¬â¢, the unattractive, slime is something that appeals to children, conveying further the theme of childhood innocence. The structure also plays a role in conveying the theme of childhood innocence. The whole first stanza has an ignorant tone to it, with the message that nature is amazing, and so problem free, ââ¬Ëthere were dragon-flies, spotted butterflies, but best of all was the warm thick slobberââ¬â¢ the tone being so simple minded, as although the speaker is describing the most beautiful aspects of nature, they are fascinated with the thick slobber that appeals to children. The fact that they describe it as ââ¬Ëbest of allââ¬â¢ shows the simplicity of a childââ¬â¢s innocence, and what little it takes to amuse them. It also creates the image of a beautiful appy natural world that appeals to children. There is also a tone that carries a sense of fascination, ââ¬Ëfor they were yellow in the sun and brown in rain. ââ¬â¢ Because speaker is quite interested in, or fascinated by the frog spawn, and we know this due to the tone of the poem ââ¬Ëbest of allââ¬â¢ etc, we are introduced to the fetish by the constant positive description of nature. This coul d reflect to the phase that many children go through, or it could by symbolic of when a child learns something new, so applies it to all aspects of life. The use of enjambment ââ¬Ëhere, every spring I would full jampotfuls of the jellied specksâ⬠¦ ââ¬â¢ creates a sense of excitement, the disability to pause, due to the thorough interest emphasises a childlike fetish and innocence. Natural imagery conveys the theme of adult identities emerging, the second stanza starts off with ââ¬ËThenââ¬â¢ this appears as though the speaker is reminiscing on their childhood, which suggests the formulation of adult identity. The speaker suggests that as a child they were blind or unaware to the reality of the frogspawn, ââ¬ËTo a coarse croaking that I had not heard before. ââ¬â¢ The alliteration of ââ¬Ëcoarse croakingââ¬â¢ contrasts to the positive tone used in the first stanza, the quote appears to suggest that the speaker has experienced realisation, or reality, as they have suddenly realised that the frogspawn have a ââ¬Ëcoarseââ¬â¢ sound and that they are now aware that the frogspawn is not as amazing as they first believed. Also there is a line break and the word ââ¬ËBeforeââ¬â¢ appears on the next line starting with a capital letter, this could be symbolic of the fact that the ââ¬Ëcoarse croakingââ¬â¢ had always been around, yet the speaker has just acknowledged it, or realised it was there, emphasising the point of realisation, creating a further image of the formulation of adult identity. Gross-bellied frogsââ¬â¢ suggests that the frogs seem ugly to the speaker now, which contrasts to the description of frogs made in the first stanza ââ¬Ëbut best of all was the warm thick slobber of frogspawnââ¬â¢ the contrast indicates the change in mind, or the loss of childhood innocence, and the formulation of adult identities. ââ¬ËI sickened turned and ranââ¬â¢ implies that the speaker felt repulsed by the nature whereas as a child they loved the nature so much that they would ââ¬Ëwait and watchââ¬â¢ this appears to be a child changing as adult identities are introduced. That if I dipped my hand the spawn would clutch it,ââ¬â¢ expresses the speakers feelings; if they played around with nature again bad would come from it. This forms the idea that as an adult the speaker has learnt their lesson and will not be childish and play with it anymore. The second stanza carries army connotations, implying that the frogs are going to get revenge or attack the speaker, this is suggested with the use of ââ¬Ërank,ââ¬â¢, ââ¬Ëangry,ââ¬â¢ , ââ¬Ëobscene threats,ââ¬â¢ ââ¬Ëpoised like mud grenades,ââ¬â¢, ââ¬Ëgreat slime kings,ââ¬â¢ and ââ¬Ëvengeance,ââ¬â¢. These words and phrases suggest that the frogs are there to take revenge in a war like manner, for the fact that the speaker stole the spawn as a child, the words all describe the frogs in a harsh, aggressive way, which again contrasts to the description made in the 1st stanza ââ¬Ënimble swimming tadpoles,ââ¬â¢. However, the use of the word ââ¬Ëkingsââ¬â¢ in the second stanza indicates that the speaker may still admire the frogs, despite all the negative feelings they have towards them. vThe speaker is suggesting that frogs are everywhere and they are ugly, ââ¬Ëgross-bellied', pictured with assonance in the phrase ââ¬Ëcocked on sods'. Their flabby necks are described by Heaney with the simile ââ¬Ëpulsed like sails'. The sound of their movements is expressed by onomatopoeia: ââ¬Ëslap and plop', which obviously disgusted Heaney who felt that these were ââ¬Ëobscene threats'. In line thirty their stance is described by the simile ââ¬ËPoised like mud grenades', an image that echoes the war-like connotation of the word ââ¬Ëinvaded' in line twenty-four. Heaney again voices his distaste for the sound of the frogs in the phrase ââ¬Ëtheir blunt heads farting'. This negative description indicates the speakerââ¬â¢s annoyance at the realisation of the frogs, as the adult identity is introduced. The structure of the 2nd stanza contrasts to the 1st stanza. Where the 1st stanza has a loving, fascinated tone, the 2nd stanza carries an angry, hateful tone, ââ¬Ëobscene threats. ââ¬â¢ The fact that the first stanza is almost double the length of the second, connotes that the speaker had an enjoyable childhood, and the second stanza resembling the adult identities came too quickly and brought along realisation that nature wasnââ¬â¢t what it seemed and also the annoyance that the speaker learnt so late that what they loved as a child wasnââ¬â¢t at all reality. The use of alliteration and assonance emphasise the hatred and annoyance felt towards nature, for not being what they thought it was. This can suggest the adult identity being formed, learning new things and realising childhood was innocent and naive. It can be a metaphor for life, thinking, as a child that life is amazing yet when you grow up, and are an adult you realise that life isnââ¬â¢t as great as what you first thought. Blackberry-Picking is poem that resembles Death of a Naturalist, its use of structure and natural imagery to convey the themes of loss of childhood innocence and formulation of adult identities. Natural imagery and structure convey the theme of loss of childhood innocence with basic language such as ââ¬Ëbig dark blobsââ¬â¢ to describe the blackberries and with the description of lust for the berries connotes a childish fetish or fascination for picking and eating the berries ââ¬ËLeaving stains upon the tongue and lust for picking. Summerââ¬â¢s blood ââ¬Ëconnotes the hard work and effort put into picking the berries during the school holidays, which conveys the theme of childhood innocence. Structure conveys the loss of childhood innocence in this poem with the only rhyming couplet signifying the childââ¬â¢s enjoyment of berry picking, ââ¬Ëglossy purple know among others, red, green, hard as a knot. ââ¬â¢ The half rhyme that goes through the poem also conveys a child like tone; it carries a playful, fun message. Natural imagery and structure also convey the theme of formulation of adult identities. ââ¬ËA rat grey fungus glutting on our cache. ââ¬â¢ The inclusion of the word ââ¬Ërat' in the metaphor emphasizes the distaste of this deterioration. Also ââ¬Ëthe sweet flesh would turn sour. ââ¬â¢ As well as ââ¬Ëthe lovely canfuls smelt of rot. ââ¬â¢ These quotes all suggest a positive object turned negative, which could metaphorically resemble the speakerââ¬â¢s life; as a child it was lovely and fun, and then as an adult it changed to difficult and bitter. The structure also conveys the theme of the formulation of adult identities with the use of the half rhyme representing berries that could have been sweet, and ââ¬Ërightââ¬â¢ but instead being sour and ââ¬Ëwrongââ¬â¢. The last two lines of the poem have a rhyming couplet, ââ¬Ëlovely canfuls smelt of rot. Each year I hoped theyââ¬â¢d keep, knew they would not. ââ¬â¢ This could signify the continuation of hope through the adult life, metaphorically speaking; hope that life would go back to being youthful and fun. To conclude I would say that it is typical of Heaneyââ¬â¢s styl e of writing to convey the themes of adult life and child innocence through natural imagery and structure. Heaney uses natural imagery in many of his poems and as well as symbolising the themes we have looked at he also uses natural imagery and structure to convey the message of his Northern Irish roots. The use of natural imagery and structure conveys the themes of loss childhood innocence and formulation of adult identities and is typical through many of Heaneyââ¬â¢s poems.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Sykes Enterprises Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Sykes Enterprises - Case Study Example The mission of Sykes is to provide its customers with competitive rates so that it can provide its customers with the lowest rates. Sykes' strategy is to compete with the industry leaders on cost. It has to thus ensure that its operations stay profitable for it to continue its operations. Its mission and objectives are aligned with the amount of competition in the market and allows Sykes to target the same companies its competitors are targeting however, offering the lowest rates in town. There is no need to review the mission and objectives, but the strategy needs re-working. It is obvious that Sykes can take more than one action to improve its revenues and build a profitable business. The closure of its operations in India have resulted in consolidation of its costs in the United States. The competitors of Sykes have resorted to opening up call centers in South East Asian nations such as the Philippines to counter the high turnover costs and possible wage rises in Indian cities due to growing economies. One of the strategic alternatives for Sykes could be to introduce a culture of hiring fresh graduates and providing them training and binding them with contracts to serve Sykes for a period of two years. This would result in a significant drop in turnover for a temporary period. Reduction in the hiring and firing costs will result in lower running costs that will allow Sykes to offer lower rates to its customers. It would be wise for Sykes to continue its contracts with various towns and cities and gather benefits in taxation and other utilities offering employment in return. The reduction in taxes would result in a lower deductions in the revenues. The reduction would improve the profitability, though not necessarily the revenues. The current scenario asks for more involvement in the US rather than other countries. Significant cost reduction in Asian economies is no longer an onus and in countries that still offer lower operation rates, there is always the chance of high turnover costs and bad customer experiences - due to accents of offshore employees. Recommended Strategy Keeping into view the tough conditions of the economy, it would be wise for Sykes to combine the two strategies and work towards reducing its costs. Since Sykes mission and objective is reduction in costs to offer competitive rates in the industry, the two strategies could both be used to reduce the costs in order to provide highly competitive rates to corporate customers. This strategy would result in attraction of more corporate clients. However, Sykes should not close down any further call centers nor should it pursue an aggressive strategy within the US - current operations should be maintained until there is a significant rise in the profits. Implementation It would be wise for Sykes Enterprises to consider more large firms in the market other than SBC
Sunday, July 28, 2019
English SLP 4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
English SLP 4 - Essay Example s an evidence that a few decades back, the society considered women specially the wives to be an alien species who would silently perform all the activities required to manage everyday household functions and at the same time they are expected to have multi-tasking abilities. In her essay Brady states that she wishes to go back to the school and she wishes become financially independent. She explains that she too needs ââ¬Å"someoneâ⬠who will do all the works in her house and will prepare her for the school. ââ¬Å"Someoneâ⬠who will look after her kids during the period when she will be attending the school. She needs someone who will keep all the records of the childrenââ¬â¢s doctor and dentist and would contact him in case the children fell sick. At the same time that someone would take care of Judyââ¬â¢s doctor and dentist records too. ââ¬Å"Someoneâ⬠is needed by Judy who will ââ¬Å"make sure my children eat properly and are kept cleanâ⬠(, n.d.). The ââ¬Å"someoneâ⬠would also look after the clothes of her children. The ââ¬Å"someoneâ⬠is also expected to prepare the kids perfectly for their school, ââ¬Å"someoneâ⬠should have a social life with whom she should visit the zoo, fu rther that ââ¬Å"someoneâ⬠must not forget to take care of the children in the mean time and should provide them with ââ¬Å"special careâ⬠during the times they fell sick. She must also earn money but she must not dedicate all her time towards her job. She should keep the house neat and clean and she is also expected to wash and iron my clothes. She would ensure the arrangement of my personal things in a manner that whenever I would look for a thing I would find it instantly. Further she must be a good cook and she must save money while shopping for groceries. She should not get tired after cooking because it is her duty to serve the cooked food with a smile on her face. She must also cleanse the tables after the dinner and lunch without complaining. Judy adds that while the
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Case Study 6 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Case Study 6 - Research Paper Example Dell was accessible and delegated authority believing in, ââ¬Å"turning loose talented people who can be relied upon to do what theyââ¬â¢re supposed to do.â⬠Dell also spent 30% of his time at company operations and meeting with customers. The issues with Dell's performance are his lack of understanding the employee's initially and Dell's inability to communicate. The Five tasks of crafting and executing strategy by ââ¬Å"Crafting and Executing Strategyâ⬠are discussed below: 1. ââ¬Å"Developing a strategic vision of where the company needs to head and what its future product/customer/market/technology focus should be.â⬠Dell took the right approach in desiring to sell directly to the customer, custom to the customers needs build-to-order computers. Dell also wanted to take the discount pricing approach for the company. 2. ââ¬Å"Setting objectives and using them as yardsticks for measuring the companyââ¬â¢s performance and progress .â⬠During the early y ears the company did not seem to have many hard set objectives. Dell's objective was to adhere to the strategic vision while also improving quality control. Dell also began to partner with key suppliers and incorporating e-commerce technology and use of the internet. 3. ââ¬Å"Crafting a strategy to achieve the objectives and move the company along the strategic course that management has charted. ââ¬Å" Dell began to increase his workforce, and his marketing capabilities in order to sell directly to individuals desiring a 2nd and 3rd computer. By doing this Dell became a cost leader, due to direct sales. 4. ââ¬Å"Implementing and executing the chosen strategy efficiently and effectively.â⬠By allowing the company to be managed by a more experienced person in the early stages of the company Dell was able to implement and execute the discount strategy very well. 5. ââ¬Å"Evaluating performance and initiating corrective adjustments in the companyââ¬â¢s long-term direction, objectives, strategy, or execution in light of actual experience, changing conditions, new ideas, and new opportunities.â⬠Dell was able to become one of the industry leaders in quality, price, and market share within a 20 year period. When Dell realized the margin was low on using retail stores to resell dell computers, the company made the correct adjustments and began to only sell, as was their strategy, directly. 2. What are the elements of Dellââ¬â¢s strategy? Which one of the five generic competitive strategies is Dell employing? How well do the different pieces of Dellââ¬â¢s strategy fit together? In what ways is Dellââ¬â¢s strategy evolving? Dell's strategy involved: ââ¬Å"1. Selling direct to customers is the most efficient way to market the companyââ¬â¢s products because it eliminates wholesale and retail dealers that impede Dellââ¬â¢s understanding of customer needs and expectations and that add unnecessary time and cost. 2. Allowing customers to purc hase custom-built products and custom-tailored services is the most effective way to meet customer needs. 3. A highly efficient supply chain and manufacturing organization, grounded in the use of standardized technologies and selling direct, paves the way for a low-cost structure where cost savings can be passed along to customers in the form of lower prices. 4. Dell can deliver added value to customers by (1) researching all the technological options, (2) trying to determine which ones are ââ¬Å"
Does wal-mart do more good or bad in the world Essay
Does wal-mart do more good or bad in the world - Essay Example This many perceive to be corporate nonsense. Most jobs and careers associate Wal-Mart to a corporate that pays low wages compared to other corporate in the same job category and this engenders a sense of loathing from people getting such low wages. Due to this, Wal-Mart has received much resentment and scorn from all over as compared to other corporate entities. It is also seen as a large and powerful anti-industry, anti-free market call trap as its chain of stores is destroying small towns. This is achieved by acquisition of property in rural areas, thus maintaining monopoly. The rural as well as the town folks are availed open doors to convenient, one-stop shopping venue with ample supply of products at considerable cheap prices. This improves their efficiency in carrying out their activities and thus is appreciated by many. According to Coster, (Para. 5) there is a belief among the Americans that the Wal-Mart prices override the prices of other stalls due to the ability to have la rge stores, this economically it can be said that the reduced prices result from the ability to take advantage of the economies of scale. The domination by the corporate has not won favour among many Americans as they are not keen on strategies of clout and domination. On the other hand, these low prices drive the small and local competitors out of business as they do not have the ability to compete with Wal-Martââ¬â¢s pricing and product selection. This is seen as an initiative to make Wal-Mart a monopoly which will then set high prices and make huge profits after driving out the competitive players who would have otherwise regulated its price. The strategy here is to drive the small competitors to shut down due to its low prices. The corporate would then look into the future in advance and set prices of goods just below costs long enough to corner the market. Afterwards through trial and error, find a new price that would be high enough to make super-profits but low enough to k eep potential customers from driving to another town to get the same products. This new price should be able to recoup the initial losses incurred when driving away the little players in the market. In general, the picture created in a small town is an easy way to drive competitors out of business but again this small town will remain with bitter memories among its population of the pricing strategy and small enough to boycott Wal-Mart before the strategy succeeded. In a larger town, the competitors are many hence much harder to drive away competitors and Wal-Mart remains with the option of lowering its price to a low level enough to attract customers. The low prices attract the not so well off population and hence concurring with Featherstone, (Para. 4) in that itââ¬â¢s the poor who make Wal-Mart tick. To the well-off members of the society, expensive commodities are observed to be of sound quality as compared to cheap commodities, where shortcuts might have been used in their p roduction. To the poor, they have to survive with the little they have and thus quantity rather than quality is most considered. As such, low prices that are offered always cot down the society along the social status lines. Reich (Para.1) on the other hand is of the view that symbolic analysts who solve, identify
Friday, July 26, 2019
Letter Of Application to Honors Marketing Program Essay - 1
Letter Of Application to Honors Marketing Program - Essay Example During my years as a student at I have taken part in several extra-curricular programs. I have been the Marketing Coordinator for the University Radio Station, a charter member of the University Marketing Association, and I am the founder and President of the University Consulting Group. I have also put considerable effort into gaining hands-on experience through work. I have completed internships with the Illinois Attorney Generalââ¬â¢s Officer as a Law Clerk, with Morgan Stanley as a Marketing Assistant, and most recently with the Illinois State Senatorââ¬â¢s Officer as an Assistant to the Senator. In addition to this I am the President of Press Play Promotions, an entertainment promotions company which plans and promotes events at venues throughout the Chicago area. I have acquired valuable skills from these activities, not the least of which is the ability to prioritize my work and manage my time effectively. My particular aim with my extra-curricular activities was to work on my leadership skills, and I feel I have accomplished that effectively. Leading Press Play Promotions has allowed me to further refine these skills, as I direct a staff of fifteen in this company. In addition, Press Play Promotions has been invaluable to me in honing my entrepreneurial and promotional skills. Working at Morgan Stanley was also a very valuable experience, as at this firm I worked in a cohesive team that recruited new clients via presentations which utilized several different media. I have attained many skills which will be of use to me in my chosen field of work, and feel that my combination of skills is highly suitable for helping me attain my career goals. After graduation I will take up a Marketing Business Development position with in Chicago. I am hoping to be able to attend the part time Honors Program in conjunction with my work at the firm. Ultimately I intend to draw on my experience with Press Play
Thursday, July 25, 2019
E-Business Foundation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
E-Business Foundation - Essay Example The main redeeming aspect about Googleââ¬â¢s approach has been its innovative approach.Thus, it is seen that all their website projects integrate the latest thinking on design, usage, accessibility, technology and marketing strategy. Google has been serving their customers for over a decade now. They have attributed their success and long life to their quest for making rewarding and long-term relationships with both potential and existing clients it is believed that Google take special interest in the success of their clients and work hand- in- hand to ensure that the product is of high quality that could meet the clientsââ¬â¢ goals and objectives. Google has decided to take over YouTube for $1.65 million in stocks. This would spell great opportunities for internet users and content owners throughout the business world. The takeover merges one of the largest and fastest growing online video entertainment businesses with Google's proven proficiency in organizing information and creating new models for advertising on the Internet. The merged companies would focus on providing a better, more comprehensive experience for users interested in uploading, watching and sharing videos, and will offer new opportunities for professional content owners to distribute their work to reach vast new viewers. Next, Google has also received approval from the US Federal regulators to acquire Double Click for $3.1 billion. Google generates revenue from selling text-based ads that appear next to search results.
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
The Gothic Imagination Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
The Gothic Imagination - Essay Example Gothic literature was named for the apparent influence of the dark gothic architecture of the period on the genre. Also, many of these Gothic tales took places in such "gothic" surroundings, sometimes a dark and stormy castle as shown in Mary Wollstoncraft Shelly's Frankenstein, or Bram Stoker's infamous Dracula" (Gothic). The American critical theorist Eve Sedgwick has been a chief contributor to the idea of Gothic imagination. To understand the term "Gothic" let us note that there is a great relation between Gothic and romance. As Sedgwick, in The Coherence of Gothic Conventions which studies the relationship between Gothic conventions and the ways in which its practitioners use language and structure narrative, remarks, "Gothic" has not been the supplest of terms. (Sedgwick 1986) An analysis of the popular novels, The Castle of Otranto, Frankenstein, and Dracula would give the best idea of what a Gothic Novel is. This is a discussion directed towards the same. The writers beginning with Horace Walpole in his The Castle of Otranto through the famous writers like Mrs. Radcliffe, M G Lewis, Mary Shelley, Maturin, Melville, Faulkner, and Stoker have dealt with the elements of what is now termed the Gothic literature. Their works take the readers to world of sublimity and great imagination. ââ¬Å"Their Gothic novels attempt to submerge the reader in an extraordinary world in which ordinary standards and moral judgments become meaningless and good and evil are seen as inextricably intertwined. Gothic writing is closely related to romantic: both are the product of a profound reaction against everyday reality and conventional religious explanations of existence. But while romantic writing is the product of faith in an ultimate order, Gothic writing is a gloomy exploration of the limitations of man" (Hume 1969). Thus many of the Gothic considerations come to our discussion. The genre of Gothic fiction merges the elements of both romance and horror. This literary tradition has its beginning with Horace Walpole's novel The Castle of Otranto which came out in the year 1764. As the introductory essay of Three Gothic Novels remarks, "a reader familiar with the Gothic novels of the end of the eighteenth and the beginning of the nineteenth century will easily recognize in them th emes and proceedings which were stock-in-trade of the tales of terror" (Fairclough et al 1968. p. 7). The finding out of the beauty in elements of terror itself changed the concept of the literary appreciation. The discovery of Horror as the source of delight reacted on men's actual conception of beauty itself: the Horrid, from being the category of the Beautiful, became eventually one of its essential elements, and the 'beautiful horrid' passed by insensible degrees into the 'horribly beautiful" (Fairclough et al 1968. p. 10). The examples of the novels show that the gothic genre is especially noted for its appeal of terror and mystery and it cannot be smothered. "The Gothic novel is defined not by its stock devices-ruined abbeys and the like-but by its use of a particular atmosphere for essentially psychological purposes" (Hume 1969). The Gothic novels of the writers like Walpole, M G Lewis, Mary Shelley, Melville, Faulkner and others submerge the readers in a world where ordinary standards and ethical conclusions are
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Anthropology of Social Networking Websites Research Paper
Anthropology of Social Networking Websites - Research Paper Example This paper stresses that talking from anthropological perspective, one can say that the system of kinship includes people who have blood relationship between them or those who are living as a family. People usually create their own definitions of family. They can make a decision on adding or not adding people to their social networks depending on whether they trust them or not. In this way, they usually do not define kinship as blood relationships and add such relationships to the definition of family that may influence their lives at some point of time without having any blood relationship with them. Therefore, we can say that social networking websites have changed the dimensions of actual anthropology of kinship in todayââ¬â¢s world of digital media. People have forgotten that real life is different from what we feel it in internetââ¬â¢s social networks. Socio-cultural anthropologists believe that although there are many positive effects of social networking websites on the development of relationships within extended families, there also exist some concerns for nuclear families. For example, some people, especially children, make excessive use of social networking websites, which results in less face-to-face interactions between them and their family members living under the same roof. People usually send comments and messages to friends and ignore their actual relations. Such changes in behaviors of people decrease affection and care that people normally have for their closest family members living under the same roof.Ã
Monday, July 22, 2019
Transcendental Deduction Essay Example for Free
Transcendental Deduction Essay Kantââ¬â¢s Transcendental Deduction of the categories of the analytic concepts presents an analysis of the mental activities as well as the analysis of knowledge and self.à Kant discussed these mental activities using two sets of terms such as manifold representations and intuition as well as understanding and sensibility (p.76). à à à à à à à à à à à Representation to him means the various concepts pulling together into unity and can be given in an intuition that is merely sensible.à For Kant, intuition means a perception or knowledge (a priore) or insight. à Kant associated knowledge to intuition and also to perception (p.82).à He said, ââ¬Å"The pure concepts of understanding even when they are applied to a priori intuition provide knowledge only to the extent that these are priori intuition, and through them, the concept of understanding is applied also.à He further noted that ââ¬Å"empirical intuition serves only for the possibility of empirical knowledge. Sensible on the other hand, means either having or demonstrating sound reason and judgment or able to be perceived through the senses.à Synthesis is the result of combination, a process of combining different ideas, influences or objects into a new whole.à In view of transcendental deduction of Kant, the combination of concepts is act of ââ¬Å"active departmentâ⬠of understanding which disguised it from the passive department which he called sensibility.à He concludes this statement that ââ¬Å"all combining is an action of the understanding whether or not we are conscious of itâ⬠(p.75).à Kant further discussed the understanding self using another set of terminology. à à à à à à à à à à à The ââ¬Å"I thinkâ⬠which refers to that something was represented that could not be thought at all; He introduced three bits of terminology in order for us to grasp of the self-awareness (p76), that is expressed in the representation ââ¬Å"I think.â⬠à These three bits about self-awareness according to Kant are: (1) the pure self-awareness which presupposed by all thought and intuition; (2) the basic self-awareness which is the self-consciousness that produces the representation of the ââ¬Å"I think;â⬠(3) Transcendental which is the unity of self-awareness. Clarifying the Aim of Transcendental Deduction of the Categories of the Analytical Concepts à à à à à à à à à à à Kantââ¬â¢s aim of transcendental deduction is to seek to generalize what he has said about self-awareness to all conceptual thinking.à The author pointed out that what Kant must have meant is that, ââ¬Å"a property combines with other propertiesâ⬠or that a ââ¬Å"representation of a property combines with the representation.â⬠à This according to him, Kant infers about analysis is being possible if there has previously been synthesis. In the discussion of analytic concept, Kant used such terms as I, I think, I can, I couldnââ¬â¢t do it.à He said that each of this representation is accompanied with consciousness that when combined with different representation can on finally say ââ¬Å"I canâ⬠that means he is now aware of the intended action or he calls it ââ¬Å"self-awareness.à In his discussion of synthesis, he said that it is an act of the mind.à Here, what he meant is act of mentally combining distinct intentional representations. Important Argumentative Elements à à à à à à à à à à à à The first argumentative element about transcendental deduction is that, our concept about an object is associated with self awareness.à The mind must have representations of that concept to make it pure concept.à In my own interpretation, this representation could be experiences that connect representation of concept, since self has one identity.à Therefore, all other perception must be belonging to one consciousness or attributing to one identity in which the central grip is the self-employed knowledge. In this sense, we can conclude that the self identifies object based on consciousness and awareness.à Usually, the experiences help shape the selfââ¬â¢s concept of things.à Kant emphasize that there must be a unity of consciousness and self-awareness which underlies the relations of representations to an object, which makes their objective validity and consequently their status as an item of knowledge (p.78).à What he meant by this is that the unity of self consciousness and the synthetic unity of self awareness are the bases for all uses of the understanding and it has nothing to do with any sensible intuition. Kant also emphasized that ââ¬Å"understanding must related through more understanding to objects of intuition (p.83).à In other words, concepts that are not sensible cannot be transformed to reality and cannot be understood.à An act of the understanding results from self-awareness that leads to thinking something that is necessary condition not only for our identity as experiencing minds, but also for anything that is to be an object of sensible intuition (p.83).à These forms of thought of thoughts must come to have objective reality.à In my idea, Kant is discussing these matters for us to understand how our thoughts are formed and come into reality.à The object is self-awareness and self-consciousness of our actions, thoughts, and words. On of the argumentative elements in Kantââ¬â¢s discussion of deduction of pure concepts of understanding that I find is his statement about the multiplicity of intuition which he labeled synthesis.à He said that it reminds us that we cannot represent to ourselves anything as combined in the object unless we ourselves have previously combined it.à I find this statement somehow contradicting in a sense that synthesis is natural work of the mind which we may not be conscious how it is working. He said synthesis is ââ¬Å"mind self activityâ⬠(p.75), and can only be carried out by mind itself.à In this case, it appears that we have no control of this activity.à If what he meant is that we can be aware of all these intuition pure concept and synthesis.à Then, we can guide our thoughts towards right expression of reality.à If this is the case, the expression of self-awareness and self-consciousness would have high effect.à But since this is a mental act, it can only be carried out by the mind itself which we are not conscious.à There I would say that it certainly cannot represent to us anything. Kant presented another interesting discussion of the pure concept and forms of thoughts.à He said that ââ¬Å"pure concept of understanding is related through mere understanding to objects of intuition of any kinds as long as it is sensibleâ⬠(p.103). Here, Kant relates pure concept of understanding with intuition of any kinds as long as it is sensible regardless of the nature of those objects whether they are corrupt or bad character.à He pointed out that because of this application; the intuition become a form of thoughts convey us information about determinate object.à What quite interesting in this is that, he said that pure concept of understanding is related to intuition which is sensible.à The pure concept to intuition is mere forms of thoughts with no determinate object related to intuition which is sensible. Thus, the discussion centers on how our mental faculties are working in so far as to have self-awareness which must be the basis of all these.à Kant pointed out that there is in us a certain basic form of a priori sensible intuition that depends on our passive faculty representation.à What he meant is that we have intuition of space and time which is also the pure intuition.à But this intuition according to Kant is either pure intuition or empirical intuition.à The pure intuition is about space and time while empirical those sensations that immediately represent to us as real in space and time.à Kant noted that ââ¬Å"thing in space and time are given as perceptionâ⬠(p.82). Conclusion à à à à à à à à à à à Kantââ¬â¢s discussion of transcendental deductions was quite very difficult to understand.à But in so far as my understanding is concerned, Kant presented a detailed discussion of how our mental faculties are working towards a formation of thoughts about the self from what he calls manifold representation.à He said that we have basically a priori knowledge yet it needs to be combined to the manifold representations which he calls this combination as synthesis or synthetic unity.à This according to Kant leads to self awareness or self consciousness. à à à à à à à à à à à Kant also discussed pure concept of knowledge which according to him is related to understanding objects of intuition.à Here he discussed that before a concept becomes a thought it has to be identified with intuition of any kinds as long as it is sensible.à In other words, a concept that is identified with sensibility can be concrete and can be grasped. à à à à à à à à à à à But what is important in this discussion is the aim of this presentation.à Kant was able to clarify to us how our mental faculties are working towards the making of mere thoughts and concepts to become words and pure concepts of knowledge to express consciousness and awareness. à à à à à à à à à à à I would say that knowing all these, must help us to be more careful of our self-expression as well as of our attitude in dealing with others.à The transcendental deductions has helped us know our selves, therefore it must help us too in expressing our own selves in the everyday events and circumstances of our lives.
Marketing Plan for Shiseido Essay Example for Free
Marketing Plan for Shiseido Essay One hundred and forty years ago, Arinobu Fukuhara built on his experience working as chief pharmacist at a navy hospital to establish Shiseido, Japanââ¬â¢s first Western-style pharmacy in the Ginza district of Tokyo. Concerned about the inferior medications then available to the public, he aspired to separate medical care and pharmaceutical dispensing in Japan. Shiseidoââ¬â¢s first president, Shinzo Fukuhara, led Shiseido into the cosmetics business in 1897. The only cosmetics sold in Japan at that time, powder and lipstick, were simply for altering appearance. Dissatisfied with the status quo, Shiseido brought a fresh perspective to cosmetics (n.d.). They formulated their products like pharmaceuticals because they strongly believed that the true value of cosmetics was in achieving healthy, beautiful skin. Based on this belief, Shiseido has developed with an unwavering philosophical commitment to high quality, innovation and authentic value. Millions of people have come to know and trust the Shiseido name as a result. The origin of the company name ââ¬Å"Shiseidoâ⬠is a passage from the Chinese classic, I Ching (The Book of Changes): ââ¬Å"praise the virtues of the great Earth, which nurtures new life and brings forth new values.â⬠Shiseido puts the intent of this passage into practice by discovering and creating new value. This is our founding spirit, and it continues unbroken as Our Mission, Shiseidoââ¬â¢s raison dââ¬â¢Ã ªtre (Annual report 2012). Having started out as a pharmacy, it wasnââ¬â¢t until 1915 that Shiseido changed direction and committed to the cosmetics industry. The move was masterminded by Shinzo Fukuhara, the third son of Arinobu Fukuhara and the companyââ¬â¢s first president. â⬠¨ An experienced photographer, Shinzo Fukuhara combined artistry with high quality manufacturing, underpinned by the very latest in research and development, to establish Shiseido as a unique presence in the cosmetics industry (n.d.). The beginnings of Shiseidoââ¬â¢s corporate philosophy As part of the transition from a family business to a more corporate setup, in 1921 Shiseido set out Shiseidoââ¬â¢s Five Principles as the foundation of its corporate philosophy and activities as a company. These went on to form the basis of Shiseidoââ¬â¢s Corporate Philosophy in 1989. Having undergone a number of changes since then, this finally evolved into, a new corporate philosophy reflecting the Shiseido Groupââ¬â¢s internat ional operations and diverse brand portfolio, in 2011. Establishing a global production network With production facilities already up and running in areas such as North America and Taiwan, as well as in Japan, in 1991 Shiseido opened its first production facility in Europe, thereby establishing a truly global production network. Operations later got underway at a factory in Beijing in 1993 as Shiseido made its first steps towards expanding operations in the Chinese market. In 2010, the company commenced operations at a factory in Vietnam, as part of a concerted effort to tap into new growth in the so-called ââ¬Å"masstigeâ⬠market (n.d.). Reviewing a description of the market including the economic system to be targeted in this marketing plan, it has been found that Thai woman are interested in new products to whiten their intimate areas. Fair skin is a symbol of opportunity, success and status. There are already skin-whitening pills and diet supplements claiming to pick up where the cosmetics leave off. But this is the first time that a vaginal whitening wash has hit the Thai market (Hodal, 2012). Asian skin ages different than others, instead of Asians being concerned with fine lines and wrinkles, Asians worry about dark spots. Using pale Korean and Japanese pop stars as illustrations, Thai womens magazines are full of fair-skinned Asians promoting products that promise to whiten, lighten and boost the complexion, with slogans such as Show off your aura and Get to know the miracle of white skin. Fair-skinned actors and singers dominate the media nearly all over the Asia-Pacific region, where the skin-lightening indu stry is expected to reach $2bn this year with the fastest growing markets in China and India (Hodal, 2012). Shiseido has been at the forefront of skin-brightening research since launching the lotion Hydrogen Peroxide Cucumber in 1917 (Annual report 2012). They have developed about one-third of the active skin-brightening ingredients used in Japanese cosmetics. Shiseido is concentrating on aging research so that people can grow older beautifully. There are three key aspects in conducting research: functionality that creates healthy, beautiful skin; sensitivity and sensations such as pleasant usability, scent, color and beauty methods; and most important, safety that allows consumers to use their products worry free. In Thailand, Shiseido needs to grow existing products and embrace its brand value. They need to use the foundation they have built to generate solid growth in Thailand. Shiseido will continue to shift through fundamental reforms in order to invest for growth, and will implement fresh initiatives. According to their website, Shiseido has always embraced innovation, progress and challenge. The only way that Shiseido can evolve is by integrating its growing strengths to continuously create new and richer value in new markets. They should see the Asian culture as a future growth driver, and should therefore put their focus on commercials and in-store visuals to build the reputation of the Shiseido brand. They should also consider focusing on local customer needs, promote seasonal cosmetic changes and realize their customers purchasing behavior. People use the Internet to acquire information by themselves and comparison shop beyond category boundaries (Annual report 2012). Shiseido needs to recognize and accommodate to these major changes in the market by taking on the challenge of a new business model that could increases regular users of products by bringing together their existing store-based sales with business and direct marketing using the Internet. I want Shiseido to build direct relationships with customers and use them to steadily deliver the value they generate. I would also like to see Shiseido grow from the cosmetics business by providing total beauty solutions. The key to success for Shiseido lies in offering a suite of products targeted at a wide range of customers, but with special emphasis on the growing luxury and natural sector. There are several reasons behind the growth in high-end cosmetics: the expansion of new markets in Russia and Asia; changing social norms that make the wearing of makeup more acceptable; celebrity worship; promotion within fashion magazines; improvements in the technology that creates makeup; the influence of mass retailers that can offer lower prices, and raising affluence. As makeup becomes less expensive, better and more accessible, more women have moved away from older brands of makeup and skincare in search of higher-quality new products and more exclusivity. Works Cited (n.d.). Retrieved from are no sources in the current document. Annual report 2012. (n.d.). Retrieved from Hodal, K. (2012, 11 23). Thailands skin-whitening craze reaches womans intimate areas. Retrieved from
Sunday, July 21, 2019
The Shooting An Elephant
The Shooting An Elephant The narrator, the autobiographical author, at once faces reality the most but also acts as a puppet within the script that is his life. He sees the manipulation of each side of the native people and the conquerors of Burma, himself being a police officer, someone who should be clear cut right and wrong and the law and yet the murkiness of what is the real truth. The largest irony being the elephant in the room being that he sees he should not kill the elephant and yet feels has to and vacillates in his logic to this conclusion and even once a decision made can see the several interpretations of what is the truth and yet he knows the truth and the truth is that the native people used the eiron, the elephant, to manipulate him to kill the elephant which was really based on him not wanting them to laugh at him or humiliation. He deceives himself into believing this when at any time he could take control of the situation. The townspeople believe they are manipulating the narrator but the narrators sees that he is being manipulated and yet allows it to happen anyway being carried away with mob rule. The townspeople feel a lack of control of their own destiny similar to the fate of the elephant and yet also feed upon the elephant which is the British control in a enabling situation for all. But is it not really the police officer who manipulates them by asking for elephant rifle knowing that they will assume he wishes to shoot the elephant. So the police officer narrator has created his own conflict by lack of control of a situation because he feels he has no control. The audience I assume to be the reader and the reader is fooled to think this is a story merely about an incident of a wild elephant yet foreshadowing of the narrator leads to believe is a story about the fall of the British Empire yet is really the fall of an individual and his beliefs about the greater good and lack of control of his own life. The death of the elephant is brought on by even the audience of the reader as once the elephant falls his suffering is unbearable and instead of wishing a recovery for the elephant even the audience wishes a more peaceful death. The story is about the individual and yet still about the whole of the circumstances of British rule but also really about us all as audience. Audience assumes an outside witness, an outside entity that has no control, just as the native townspeople feel they have no control, and just as the British rulers with the police officer representing that in this story feels he also has no control. So are we all audience? To make any decision even no decision is a decision and the feeling of lack of control or will seems the overriding feeling of all involved in the story, yet the purpose of the story is to instigate change and to right wrongs, yet why was a wrong done at all. The audience is helpless but only helpless because of being an audience instead of a participant. I believe that to be the real theme of the story. Overcoming a sense of helplessness while following what is believed a preset of ideas and codes of conduct and seeing that no decision is a decision. Things do not merely happen on their own. We are all players in the play that is our life and that of all people. The greatest irony of Orwells Shooting an Elephant is that the many have no control or that there is control. It is the collapse of truth, a collapse of justification, and a self examination of motivation that will overcome the irony of the entire sad sad situation. Central to Orwells short story is the elephant in the room, so large, so unspoken, yet still there no matter what happens. In Shooting an Elephant Orwell brilliantly writes a story rich in irony and symbolism like a crystal or kernel of information sparkling with many facets depending on the viewpoint of who is looking at it. To the narrator, the autobiographical George Orwell as is obvious from the beginning, the elephant symbolizes the British Empire and right in paragraph two he foreshadows with stuck between hatred of empire served and rage against evil spirited little beasts who tried to make my job impossible which identifies the inner rage and conflicting ideas within the thoughts of the narrator made physical by the elephant. The elephant represents his feelings towards the British Empire, toward the feeling that he is merely a puppet. So at an individual level of feelings of doing what is expected of him to save face always and a greater level as a part of the machine that a s a whole is the British Empire. As the narrator approaches the elephant his feelings vacillates between feeling he should not shoot the elephant and that he has to shoot the elephant and is really shown by the weather of the day for weather is always symbolic in a story. The muddy land that takes over and the cloud, stuffy morning at the beginning of the rains which also symbolizes the elephant apparently content and silent eating the grasses yet caught in the mud beneath his feet. The narrator believing he does not need to kill the elephant and the mud making his choice or blaming his choice on the mud and the will of the mob. It is as if stepping in mud where you step to go forward and are pulled in as if by no choice and you break free as you step forward and yet are drawn right back into the mud. It is the mud that is the narrators reason for not going closer to elephant and testing its temperament. It is the mud that the native townsperson sunk into a hole of mud. As the time to shoot the elephant and just after the narrator shoots the elephant the parallel of the symbol of the elephant to the British Empire becomes more apparent and more direct after several change in logic patterns of no he does not have to kill the elephant and yes he does have to kill the elephant. In paragraph Orwell writes, And it was at this moment, as I stood there with the rifle in my hands, that I first grasped the hollowness, the guilty of the white mans dominion in the East. Here was I, the white man with his gun, standing in front of the unarmed native crowd seemingly the leading actor of the piece; but in reality I was only an absurd puppet pushed to and fro by the will of those yellow faces behind. I perceived in this moment that when the white man turns tyrant it is his own freedom that he destroys. He becomes a sort of hollow, posing dummy, the conventionalized figure of a sahib. For it is the condition of his rule that he shall spend his life in trying to impress the natives, and so in every crisis he has got to do what the natives expect of him. He wears a mask, and his face grows to fit it. I had got to shoot the elephant. To the townspeople the elephant also symbolizes the British Empire but in an immediate way it symbolizes their hunger and the elephant was food but also a symbol of their hunger to have freedom, freedom that the elephant in the room symbolized the British Empire. The attitudes of accepting what is seems prevalent of the townspeople in an ambivalence as to where the elephant went, where he was, and where he was going, and what he did, and yet, once the elephant rifle was sent for, a new sense of importance and destiny and change took over the townspeople as they followed the narrator and crowds grew to see the shooting of the elephant as seen in paragraph five: They had not shown much interest in the elephant when he was merely ravaging their homes, but it was different now that he was going to be shot. It was a bit of fun to them, as it would be to an English crowd; besides they wanted the meet. In paragraph 11 when the first shot is fired at the elephant, head the devilish roar of glee that went up from the crowd. In paragraph twelve it was obvious that the elephant would never rise again, but he was not dead. Yet the Burmans were already racing past the narrator across the mud to the elephant and in paragraph 13 it state Burmans were bringing dash and baskets even before I left, and I was told they had stripped his body almost to the bones by the afternoon. Showing the hunger of the people, the restlessness, the interest when the empire is toppled. So the immediate symbolism of the elephant to the people is food and hunger but the real symbolism is power and self determination and that makes the elephant the British Empire. Vivid imagery of all the senses paint a picture in the mind of the reader of George Orwells A Hanging in a way that appears effortless detailed description of what was perhaps a half hour of time filled with imagery that is symbolic in nature and analysis. The opening description of the morning layered with the imagery of the dog running around the yard and the puddle the prisoner had stepped around The first sentence of the story opens with a vivid picture of the morning, It was Burma, a sodden morning of the rains. A sickly light like yellow tin foil, was slanting over the high walls into the jail yard. This foreshadows sickly human condition of the second sentence, We were waiting outside the condemned cells, a row of sheds fronted with double bars, like small animal cages. And continuing on to give dimensions and sparse furnishing of plank bed and pot of drinking water of death row. The totality of the picture of degradation like a zoo with prisoners on display out in the open stripped down of their humanity and treated like animals. What appears interesting is that no one is given a name so it is a timeless tale of any man and anyones reaction. The only one given a name was Francis who is the head jailer whom the superintendent of the jail prodding gravel with a stick, the army doctor telling Francis that the prisoner ought to have been dead by this time and complain that not ready yet. Quite early in the story the dog appears and is throughout the story. The imagery of the dog so full of life and running around full of love and friendship, acceptance and noise runs around all the proceedings full of glee. It sees all humans and loves them and goes for the prisoner to lick his face. As a reader and as the narrator transfers feeling and emotion to the dog of living in that moment happy to be alive. But the dog runs futilely around during the execution symbolizing life and human connection. Only the dog appears to whimper and answer the call or chant of the prisoner in his last moments which the author describes not as a religious plea to the gods, not as a please help me, but simply as the tolling of a bell as if only the dog hears the bell and responds like Pavlovs dogs instinct and ritual have made the humans desensitized to the killings and only the dog can admit feelings. The dog is contained before the execution and when set free afterwards goes to the hung man to sniff him and is the somber shock stillness and whimpering of the shock and horror of killing another life full of life for what reason the dog knows not just as the reader and the narrator knows not. So we can not feel , so feelings are transferred upon the dog. An important imagery foreshadowed with the description of the morning of rains was the puddle. The puddle also seemed a transferring of mood of the entire story to self analysis of what am I really doing here and why from the narrator. The puddle yes is from the rain of the morning but perhaps a reflection of life, a puddle in the life of an ocean of a man, the waters of life, representing perhaps the shortness of a life so a puddle. The puddle is noticed because the condemned man steps around the puddle and the narrator sees that as such a truly human and alive moment but til that moment I had never realized what it means to destroy a healthy, conscious man. When I saw the prisoner step aside to avoid the puddle, I saw the mystery, the unspeakable wrongness, of cutting a life short when it is in full tide.(note again water imagery) So the rational act of thinking and living and analyzing to avoid the puddle stood for the struggling for freedom, a time to react and avoid something si mple, a conscious awareness of surroundings and the futility of it all. That in two minutes, with a sudden snap, one of us would be gone one mind less, one world less which seems a play on words one mind less mindless, one world less worthless/worldless so the mindless making of a worldless with one life less and no one is noticing. After the execution the dog sobered and conscious of having misbehaved itself, slipped after them. And the prisoners ate their breakfast like any other morning. And a Eurasian boy approaches the narrator stating do you know, sir, our friend, when he heard his appeal had been dismissed, he pissed on the floor of his cell. From fright. As an opening line to make people laugh followed by the statement take one of my cigarettes, sir, do you not admire my new silver case and states its price as if beauty and enjoyment of life can be sold. As if to reinforce the imagery in case the reader did not get the sickening return to normal and laugh at anothers grief and death, the only one with a name, Francis, the jailer, tells of horrific cases where the doctor was obliged to go beneath the gallows and pull the prisoners legs to ensure decease. Most disagreeable. Would not want to do any dirty work since it was noted that the executioner was actually another convict so again distancing themselves from the taking of the life of another human being and making it dehumanized. And again as if we did not get the dehumanizing nature of the environment laughing and whisky all within one hundred yards of the hung man A powerful letter in response to an age old excuse of give it time meaning never done in a way that answers each and every accusation of the white religious leaders of the south. The central idea seems to be that the time is NOW and in the words of Martin Luther King Jr., Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. And the belief that we are all one people caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly affects all indirectly. It is a letter of good and of good and justice for all to live as one with steps of non violence towards this stated clearly and honestly and statements backed up by historic leaders of faith and American presidents throughout history as well as going over the history of the suppression of people of African descent throughout the history of the United States and put with detailed empathy of how do you tell a small child she can not go to an amusement park or answer a small boy the quest ion of why do white people hate black people and the simple facts that as a black man travelling across the country denied a place to sleep, denied a place to drink, to eat and makes a very human picture of the realities of this discrimination and moral arguments of why this is wrong. Several religious leaders throughout time were quoted and several presidents reinforcing Kings statements that justice too long delayed is justice denied. And the truth that individuals may see the moral light and give up unjust posture but as Reinhold Niebuhr reminded us, groups are more immoral than individuals and the only way to fight injustice is with love and passive resistance. The condescending views of the middle of the roaders with shallow acceptance of people of good will is almost worse for their lukewarm acceptance only lacks conviction in a shallow way. Socrates search for truth and saying what was right and early Christians and Jews in their trials for truth and acceptance allies his work with those of early prophets. Martin Luther King Jr. tells of his own struggles within his own people as he struggles to be the peacemaker between though who have cowed down through centuries of abuse to a quiet acceptance that that is the way things are and the militant black power movement of Elijah Muhammads Muslim movement calling for violence and race wars and to show all his brown, yellow, black, red and white brothers that we are all one and what hurts one, hurts us all. His persuasive essay is flawlessly crafted and brilliant. The tone is precise, neither angry nor bitter nor demanding but simply factual, yet very firm and brilliantly written. It is shown that his patience, faith and love of all humankind will not be broken. No violence on the part of his movement which shows the violent nature of those whose hearts he is trying to change, to force to change to follow laws of the constitution and the supreme court guaranteeing equal rights for all and invariable rights to pursue life and happiness. His an swer to being called an extremist is Was Jesus an extremist? and quoted the bible of Jesus words Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, pray for them that despitefully use you. Showing how the persecution of those in his movement is like persecuting Christ. The hypocrisy and conformity of the religious leaders and people of the south is shown in black and white. The judgment of God is upon the church as never before. If the church of today does not recapture the sacrificial spirit of the early church, it will lose its authentic ring, forfeit the loyalty of millions, and be dismissed as an irrelevant social club with no meaning for the twentieth century Telling how the youth of the country are dishearten with disgust and disappointment of the church But even if the church does not come to the aid of justice, I have no despair about the future. We will reach the goal of freedom in Birmingham and all over the nation, because the goal of America is freedom. Abused and scorned tho ugh we may be, our destiny is tied up with the destiny of America. The decisive hour is now for the Church to be truly Godly or to live in hollowness. Martin Luther King Jr. even answers the praise of the peaceful nature of the Birmingham police and detailed listings of brutalities and anything but peaceful but notes that publicly when there are others they go through the appearances of appearing peaceful. The use of language easily understood by the simplest man makes his arguments easy to follow., The structure of the letter addressing one by one the points of the letter of religious white southern leaders makes it easy for them to follow each of his answers to their premises. The style of writing is that of an enlightened and deeply religious and loving man who desires to leave in peace with all his brothers as one. The tone is very professional and factual, trying not to be inflammatory or exaggerated but simply the truth with moments of windows into the despair and injustices his people have faced for centuries. His statements that those in power never want to give up power willingly that it is up to the oppressed to show the inequalities that exist and demand to be treated with justice and dignity. The human quality of emotion backing in faith and history and morality all played a role in determining that the time is now, that waiting for the right time is never. Kings control of rhetoric and emotion is that of a master deeply intellectual and deeply right making it quite easy to follow his premises. King persuasive at all times even when appearing to merely state the facts. He is a master at the craft of the persuasive essay by bringing the reader to the conclusions himself of what King wants the reader to see. King is scientific by sticking to the facts like a lawyer setting precedent throughout the sands of time about similar injustices of a people. It was inspiring and powerful and left the reader feeling that they would be a complete idiot not to agree with King. The three texts of Orwells Shooting an Elephant and The Hanging along with Martin Luther King Jr.s Letter from Birmingham Jail are three powerful and disturbing pieces of literature documenting the injustice, the pain and the conflicting emotions of a time of civil unrest and change. Orwell appears to write essays that may be taking as fiction but really are autobiographical. King of course is not making any metaphors except to explain his cause in a simple direct and persuasive essay way. The fight is his own and he is an active participant in the fight. Orwell is more of an outsider, an audience, someone who is in the drama but feels no control beyond observations but feels drawn to speak of injustice. So both authors are trying to write to right a wrong, King being far more clear in what he wants and how he sees the world tracing it back throughout time in the history of religion and the history of the United States and great evils and injustices overcome throughout time. He is de finitely a man of action and leadership fearless, clear headed and in complete control of his emotions and his logic in his judgement and in his quest for what is right. He is definitely a black and white argument and one can clearly see the great wrong being enacted in society in that time and place. Orwell is far more grey and overlapping viewpoints and agendas that in reality is what life is a series of grey that is not always so clear until looked back at. He also seems driven to write about the wrongs he witnesses in society but also writes in a more literary way of literature that sometimes is unclear whether based on historical fiction or true autobiographical writing of events. I believe they were based on experiences he lived through and the guilt he felt of these incidents, the part he played in an injustice, the guilt he felt of not being strong enough to stand sure and say what he meant either by the mass mentality of the crowd and what he felt they wanted to avoid humiliation or laughter or just to have that moment of being powerful and important in the case of Shooting an Elephant. The Hanging was more of a true dispair of seeing an equally as docile small man hung as he was of the peacefully eating grass elephant he shot that had a long and labored death of sufferi ng. In Shooting an Elephant he was the authority in charge and he could have changed the destiny of that helpless animal and felt great guilt at doing what he had done. In The Hanging there was nothing he could have done except question the way things were and why. He did not have information on why the small peaceful man should be hung but he did have observations of the nature of life and the clinging to life and a life ripped out and cut short right in the prime of life and did any man have that right to do that to another man. All three essays are civil injustices of oppressed people of a people with a master who were objectified and treated second best or unimportant and of a people not content to be served injustice any more. Orwell saw his part in their oppression and felt tremendous guilt and lack of control as a puppet on a string who does the will of the people and he even states how tyranny of the white man does nothing but lose freedom. The iron fist is so rigid it has no choice and the fear of a united uprising made those in power there to do the will of what the native people wanted to keep the peace. The guilt Orwell felt is clear and murky at the same time a conflicting of memory and remembered feelings of the time and the hindsight that maturity can give that you realize you did not really know things as clearly as you thought you did and the sadness that the dying elephant is the sadness of the dying British empire and the order and infrastructure was quite high with British control and now he can see perhaps they were not initially better off, but still he knew the people of Burma needed to be self determined, needed freedom. In The Hanging the issue is more of does anyone have the right to take the life of another, does anyone have the right to take the waters of life of a man and make him a puddle cut short his life in his prime and that argument could be applicable to many times and places. In this essay Orwell allows himself to question more clearly and to allow emotion which he transfers upon the dog in the essay as the dog is full of life and sees all people as people, prisoner and guard alike as men and perhaps what Orwell really wants is to have all men be equal and not be in place to judge another or pass the judgment of others for something he had no information about any wrong. Again a very grey argument but clearly more black and white than Shooting an Elephant
Saturday, July 20, 2019
College Sports - Universities Must Compensate Student Athletes :: Argumentative Persuasive Essays
Colleges and Universities Must Compensate Student Athletes Today, sports are no longer fun and games, sports are a business, and college sports are no different. College sports provide a huge source of universitiesââ¬â¢ income. The school takes in money from ticket sales, television contracts, and sport-related merchandise, just to name a few. The athletes, however, receive their scholarship and little more. While the prospect of receiving a free college education is something few would complain about, when the issue is more closely examined it becomes evident that it is not enough. The universities are exploiting athletes, and recently the problems that this creates have become more prominent. More and more athletes are now leaving school early to enter the professional leagues and make money. There have also been more reports of violations surrounding university boosters and alumni paying players. Furthermore, athletes have been accused of making deals with gamblers and altering the outcome of games. All of these problems could be minim ized, if not completely eliminated, by adopting a program for compensating student athletes. College athletes are exploited by their schools, which make millions of dollars off of them. This leads to violations, students leaving college early, and student-athletes that cannot even afford to do their laundry. The NCAA and professional leagues can work together to institute a plan to compensate these athletes and remedy all these problems. Student athletes need money just like any other college students, and many of them need it even more. According to Steve Wulf, many college athletes come from disadvantaged backgrounds (94). This means that while the free tuition is nice, they are still going to need money for other expenses that every college student faces. The NCAA finally realized this recently and decided to allow athletes to have a job earning up to $2000 during the school year (Greenlee 63). This, while well intended, is an impossibility for many, if not the majority of college athletes. As Greenlee states, "The hours athletes would spend working at a job are already spoken for" (63). The sport they play is their job; it takes up as much time (likely more) as the normal studentââ¬â¢s job at the cafeteria or student center, yet they do not get paid. The schools have to make up for this by finding some way to compensate these athletes. The main reason behind not giving college athletes some form of compensation is that college athletes must be amateurs and if they are paid they will lose their status as amateurs.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Secularism v. Spirituality in the Second Nuns Tale Essay -- Second Nu
Secularism v. Spirituality in the Second Nun's Tale à à à à à à In the General Prologue to the Canterbury Tales, Chaucer describes the men and women of the Church in extreme forms; most of these holy pilgrims, such as the Monk, the Friar, and Pardoner, are caricatures of objectionable parts of Catholic society.à At a time when the power-hungry Catholic Church used the misery of peasants in order to obtain wealth, it is no wonder that one of the greatest writers of the Middle Ages used his works to comment on the religious politics of the day.à à à à à à à Yet not all of Chaucer's religious characters are failures in spirituality. His description of the Second Nun is of a truly pious woman who spends her life in the service of others; she claims this service as the very reason she tells her tale: à à à à à à à à à à à à And for to putte us fro swich ydelnesse, à à à à à à à à à à à That cause is of so greet confusioun, à à à à à à à à à à à I have heer doon my feithful bisynesse, à à à à à à à à à à à After the legende, in translacioun à à à à à à à à à à à Right of thy glorious lyf and passioun à à à à à à à à à à à Thou with thy gerland wrought with rose and lilie - à à à à à à à à à à à Thee meene I, mayde and martir, Seint Cecilie.à (22-28) à She is using her time wisely and in the service of her God, avoiding the easy-to-commit sin of sloth as she journeys on her horse, and aiding her comrades in the avoidance of this sin.à In addition to saving the pilgrimage from sloth, she enlightens and teaches those around her, much like her beloved Saint Cecilia.à à However, while the character herself is fascinating and worthy of study alone, most intriguing is the choice of her tale.à What is Chaucer's purpose in having the character tell the tale ... ...owski, Eileenà S. "Chaucer's Second Nun's Tale and the Apocalyptic Imagination." The Chaucer Review. 36.2. 2001: 128-148. Project Muse. 2 Apr. 2002. Keyword: Second Nun. Martin, Fredrick. Increase and Multipy in the Speech Acts of Chaucer's Nun's Priest, Second Nun, and Canon's Yeoman. 30 Mar. 2002 <>. Reames, Sherry L. "The Cecilia Legend as Chaucer Inherited It and Retold It: The Disappearance of an Augustinian Ideal." Speculum. 55.1. 1980: 38-57. JSTOR. 6 Apr. 2002. Keyword: Second Nun. Taise, Brother Anthony of. Chaucer and Religion. Ewha University, Seoul. 30 Mar. 2002 <>. Weise, Judith A. "Chaucer's Tell-Tale Lexicon: Romancing Seinte Cecyle." Style. 31.3. 1997: 440-479. ProQuest. 02 Apr. 2002. Keyword: Second Nun. Ã
Cheetah :: essays research papers
Cheetah (Acinonyx Jubatus) à à à à à I chose to do my television project on the cheetah which I saw on the Discovery Channel. Although I knew some interesting characteristics on the cheetah, I did happen to discover some facts I did not know. Those of which are written in the rest of the paper along with some facts I thought were pretty cool. à à à à à The cheetah is an endangered species and has been for quit some time. This is mainly due to poachers who hunt and kill this animal for itââ¬â¢s illustrious fur of different colors. Itââ¬â¢s coat is very coarse and a goldish color including some round black spots for camouflage. It has ââ¬Å"tear stripsâ⬠running from itââ¬â¢s eyes to itââ¬â¢s nose. The next part was surprising to me in that the cheetah is only 44-53 inches long. On the TV they always seem bigger somehow. And the tail is about 26-33 inches long! Their average weight is 86-143 pounds, surprisingly light for such a powerful animal. à à à à à Itââ¬â¢s low weight, it seems, is what allows it have itââ¬â¢s high top speed of sixty miles per hour. It is regarded as one the fastest hunters in the world and of course, the fastest land animal in existence. I also found that itââ¬â¢s habitat is in the grassy plains of Africa. This is definitely a great place for it to hide based on itââ¬â¢s coat color. It is because of this combination of tall grass and camouflage coat which allows the cheetah to stalk and catch itââ¬â¢s prey. These usually consist of gazelles, wild boar, or pretty much any animal it can handle. However, the regular range for itââ¬â¢s food is about 88 pounds. The cheetah then drags the meat to itââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"homeâ⬠, away from prying animals, and feasts on it immediately.
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